Miranda 0.3.3

Miranda (Instant Messenger) is the perfect example of the flexibility of the opensource community. Despite having initially been designed to be an alternative to ICQ [1], it can today use and connect to most communication protocols. This is why Miranda is said to be an inter-operable IM client, aiming at eliminating all the limits between users of different instant messaging tools.

As mentioned, this piece of software features muti-connectivity, with MSN, Jabber, ICQ, AIM and IRC as default protocols.Even if not all the features of each protocol is available, we have to admit that it does have a nice and complete interface; and there is also practically no limits to Miranda’s functions, thanks to its numerous plugins.

Miranda outlined:

 250+ plugins. (addition of more protocols, like Yahoo! And RSS, Security, Database systems, GUI, games...etc)

 500+ Ways to customise you Miranda (Sound Effects, Smileys, Icons, backgrounds...)

 70+ Language Packs, inlcuding Polish, Russian, French, Spanish, Portugese, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Bulgarian...etc

 The ability to tweak Miranda the way you want, with available tools and sources.

The only setbacks are the fact that it is not very ergonomic, and the incompatibility of certain plugins with the latest version. Nevertheless, selecting the various components of YOUR Miranda can be fun!

Plz. Note that re-subscribing to different chat protocols is not necessary as you can log in using existing accounts. The GUI, being very friendly user and similar to that to ICQ and MSN, will help users to settle down more easily, despite that configuring it might not be an easy task!

As compare to GAIM, for e.g, Miranda might not be very straight-forward, but it remains the perfect companion for chataholic geeks, ready to sneak and tweak.

[1] 1->http://www.framasoft.net/article1016.html#nb1


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> Miranda 0.3.3 , le 4 September 2004 par Moktar (3 rép.)

Bonjour à tous, et encore BRAVO pour votre travail.

Vous parlez de M 0.3.3, mais aucun lien pour le télécharger n’y figure, aussi bien sur votre site que le leur.

Est ce normal ??? un oublie de votre part ????

Continuez comme ça :) longue vie à Framasoft :))))

> Miranda 0.3.3 , le 5 September 2004 par Antoine

Bonjour Moktar,

Pour télécharger Miranda : sur leur site, clique sur le lien, dans la colonne de droite , "Download Installer"


Ps : Ce message, en français, aurait plus sa place dans la notice en français non ? ;)

> Miranda 0.3.3 , le 5 September 2004 par Moktar

Merci bien l’ami de m’aider, mais je t’informe que la version est la Newest version:

T’inquiète pas, j’ai cherché avant de poster :)

Merci quand même.

> Miranda 0.3.3 , le 8 September 2004


Dans la colonne de droite du site officiel, il y a le lien More download options qui propose les versions anciennes dans le lien get older release version qui lui-même renvoie sur une page de SourceForge où l’on trouve entre autre la version 0.3.3.

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